You can visit most pages on / without having to enter any personal data. However, on some pages we may ask you for some data in order to provide the offered goods that you request. Such personal data may include name and surname, email or telephone. However, you do not have to enter any of this information, but without it it will not be possible to provide the requested goods.
We use your data to deliver the goods that you request. For example, when ordering goods or for electronically sending interesting information.
Our company is committed to ensuring the security of your personal data, its unauthorized collection or other misuse. Of course, we fully respect all legal rules governing the handling of this data.
A cookie is a small text information that can be stored in your browser. This site can then read and use the information in the cookie each time you visit the same server. If you choose Prague as your city, this information will be saved in a cookie. The next time you come, the site will check if you have a city saved in the cookie and if so, it will pre-fill it for you. We would be happy to save you one unnecessary click on your next visit.
In addition, the cookie also uses the Google Analytics measurement tool that is deployed on the site. We use it mainly so that we can continue to improve the site and see which discounts are the most interesting. You don't have to worry about cookies or Google Analytics, we do not store any personal identification data in the measurement tool.
For online advertising, we also use, among other things, advertising messages targeted according to past behavior or certain demographic data. Thanks to this, you may encounter our graphic advertisements on various servers that you visit. A third-party cookie from the DoubleClick system is used for this. We try to optimize the advertisements that we display to you based on your previous visits and the discounts displayed on this site.
You can set your preferences for displaying Google ads or opt out of them in the Ads Settings Manager.
Our company places great emphasis on protecting your privacy. Therefore, we are committed to protecting your personal data and proceed in accordance with Act No. 101/2000 Coll., on the Protection of Personal Data and on Amendments to Certain Acts and other related legal regulations. This statement lists all the information and measures we use to protect the personal data of our website users. By accessing and using the website, you express your consent to the information collection and use practices described in this statement.